Hello to anyone who still checks my blog to see if I have updated it! I am soooo sorry for being so lazy in blogging; I stay a little busy:) Well, Lawrenceburg is treating us very well so far! I worried and worried about moving to such a small town; I prayed for us to like it, and God has answered that prayer. We have met such nice people here, and I already have made some friends I feel I will keep for a very long time! Brad is absolutely loving his State Farm agency; he says it is everything he hoped it would be, so I am very thankful!
Ben continues to grow like a weed every day! He is learning so much it is simply amazing! He isn't crawling yet; in fact, he looks like he may walk first. He loves to pull up on my fingers and tries to pull up on anything else in his path! I can't believe how happy he is considering we thought he hated life for the first few months:) I can hardly remember those stressful days, and I now realize I worried too much! Babies do what they want to do in there own time! He has just in that past couple of weeks started taking 2 hour naps in the morning and the afternoon! What a gift for a busy mom to be able to have some precious time to herself! Millie is also doing well, for those of you who were concerned about her well-being:) She does crazy things to get attention now though. If a diaper accidently gets left on the changing table or in the trash, she tears it to shreds while we are gone. She will find and eat anything left on the counter (including Marie's goodies she brings when she comes), so we have learned to put things on top of the fridge! Needless to say, she is adapting to being #2.
We are so excited for Spring. Next weekend is Mule Day (a Columbia favorite). Easter is also right around the corner! My mom is making Ben's Easter outfit, so I can't wait to see how great he looks that day! I'll definately post pictures of both events!
I am going to post some house pictures for those of you who will not be able to get here to see it. We are liking our house a lot, and it is beginning to feel like home. Life is good, and we are very thankful! Happy Spring!