Well, as my title states, I cannot believe that Ben is already 7 weeks old! He has his 2 month appointment next week, and I am not looking forward to the shots (I'm sure he isn't either!) I apologize to those of you who actually follow this blog because I have not been able to blog in a long time! We have been a little on the homeless side for since Ben's birth. I mean, we technically have a house in Nashville, but with Brad working in either Lawrenceburg or Spring Hill each day, it just makes more sense for us to stay in Columbia. That's right; we have been living at home with my parents for a couple of weeks! I never thought I would be saying that! My parents have been extremely gracious to allow us ( and a pooping, sometimes screaming baby) stay at their house. Brad and I have been a bit frustrated as of late looking for a house in Lawrenceburg! The prices are crazy; I thought we would be able to get a bigger house for a much smaller price than in Jackson...wrong! The houses are either inexpensive but need a ton of work, or they are way too expensive for the price. Although it is frustrating, I have been praying about it a lot, so I know the right house will come along. If anybody knows of anything available, please give us a call!
Enough about that, Ben is growing like crazy! I am not sure how much he weighs now, but we will let you know after his appointment next week! I am guessing about 14 pounds or so. I am hoping that we have come through the worst as far as his crying goes; he has been fussy but managable. I guess we know how to deal with it better, which makes it fine! We are also battling the baby acne...yuck! I knew to expect it, but it is so sad when your baby's face turns from soft and pale to bumpy and red overnight! He has had it for about 2 weeks, so hopefully, it will say goodbye before too long! Ben has really started to smile more now, which makes every tough moment well worth while! I'm sure all of the mothers reading this totally understand this. He is also sleeping pretty well at night; he wakes most of the time at 1 and 5 to eat, but that's not bad at all! I really do feel like we are getting to know his personality (fiesty, energetic, inquisitive, playful, independent), so everyday is more and more fun! Here is a brief list of things we have figured out that Ben either loves or dislikes:
Ben Loves to...
5.) Be put down anywhere that is warm and cozy when he is really upset. It's like he wants to soothe himself instead of having someone else do it for him!
4.) Have huge, blow-out diapers! He always gives his biggest, most mischeivious grins after that!
3.) Take naps laying against my chest (almost to the point where he cannot breathe)
2.) Sit in his vibrating seat and talk to the purple hippo hangy thing. He has discovered that he can hit it with his hand and make it move, and this makes him very proud.
1.) Smile at and sit with his daddy! I am sure Brad loves this!
Ben doesn't like...
5.) Just sitting around doing nothing; he likes to move around or be put down
4.) Bedtime, but he only has to have one big fit, and then he is out for the night
3.) Baths; well, he is getting better, but they still envoke a red, raging face each time.
2.)I hate to say this but so far, Ben does not do too well at church! We are working on that, and we figure the only way to get better is to keep going each time and get him used to it early!
1.) Being held when he is in the middle of a good meltdown! I learned my lesson early!
We are just loving being parents to this awesome little guy, and I still can't believe that he was in my belly just 7 weeks ago! God is wonderful and amazing!
Emily he is so precious! Good luck in your house search!